We believe in God and our Lord Jesus Christ out of faith. We have neither seen nor have we heard the voice of either. That is the way of faith. As Christians we are commanded to walk in faith. This we do as we pray and believe. But how important is it to just believe? Without proof or some physical artifact. The disciples and others had seen Jesus, had witnessed the miracles He performed. They heard His words as He taught the kingdom of heaven and salvation. When He was crucified, that shook them up and they became fearful. The fled and hid. It wasn’t until He had risen, that they became who we know them to be. Gone was the fear and they did not hide any longer,
The same is with a lot of new Christians. We love the Lord and are alive in Him when around like minded people. But we are not so open when around others. But take heart all new Christians, you can live every day the new life you are given. You can live in the way the Lord has called you to. Just live each day with Christ in mind, love as He did and forgive as freely as the Lord God does. Just remember, you are a living child of God Almighty.
When Jesus performed many of the miracles we read about, belief and faith accompanied those. Examples are seen all through the New Testament.
Matthew 9:22 But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.
Ephesians states "For By Grace Are Ye Saved Through Faith; And That Not Of Yourselves: It Is The Gift Of God: Not Of Works, Lest Any Man Should Boast
As you can see, faith and belief are very important to the Lord.
Matthew 9:27-28 As Jesus departed from there, two blind men followed Him, crying out and saying, “Son of David, have mercy on us!” 28 When He entered the house, the blind men came to Him. And Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to Him, “Yes, Lord.”
Jesus made certain that all new that belief had to be a part of everything we ask of God. If a person doers not believe in God, then what would be the purpose of calling on Him? No one would ask anything of someone who does not exist .
We know without doubt that God does exist as well as our savior Jesus Christ. We can believe in the word of God as is presented in the Holy Bible. On this word, all of our hopes are based.
We can rest assured that there is a God and a Savior who has given all for our salvation. This life we live is a very temporary one. Time flies by and we are helpless to slow or stop it. But have the reassurance of an eternal life. One free of struggles, pain, grief and problems.
We have only to believe and obey the Lord. Jesus spent so little time on this earth as a man, but His sacrifice was for an eternity. The Lord God has shown His great love through Him, and has made our acceptance so easy. Maybe that is one reason some refuse the gift of grace. It seems too easy. We can read a whole history of those who could or would not follow the laws as given by Moses. We can read the results of those who dismissed or perverted the teaching of the Lord in the temple of the Old Testament. But to my satisfaction, I am grateful for the easy way the Lord made my salvation.
I know without doubt that I have been forgiven of my sins, and that I am saved even though I have done nothing to attain it other than to believe and accept Christ and His sacrifice. I praise God daily for my forgiveness and His great love. I am saddened that more will not walk in His way and be saved, but that choice belongs to each of us.
In Romans 10:13, he quotes from Joel 2:32: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” This verse means that the gospel of faith is open to all, but there must be a proper response, which is to call on the name of the Lord.
ACTS 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
God has provide the way, Jesus has provided the light, and by the word, we are provided the truth.
My prayer today is that anyone who has not taken this small step would do so. Forgiveness is close, the Kingdom of God is at your hand. Just accept the invitation and be saved forever. Let your new and blessed life begin. May the Grace of God be upon each and His peace be with you. AMEN.